Sunday, May 1, 2011


I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the Blessed Redeemer and Lord of all, Jesus Christ. It seems like we always have our calenders out planning what we are going to be doing from week to week or month to month. For instance, I know next weekend is Mother's Day. I plan to see my Mom and my Mother-in-law. The next weekend I plan on being in Oklahoma for a retreat. That next week I am moving my daughter home from college and so on. We have it all planned out....but what if God has different plans? His calender may look totally different from mine. The truth is that God has his own plans for our life. We can choose to listen or not listen. In my experience, when we don't listen or we say "You know, God, not right now. I got to do this first but when I'm finished with that I will do it." Hmmm, I find that at this point he does something to get our attention like you would expect your Father to do. Today I am saying this prayer to remind myself that I am not in charge of my destiny. It is God who determines my plans for tomorrow.

Lord, it is hard to keep from projecting too far into the future. I begin to worry about things that I can neither determine nor change. You have promised to be a light unto my feet. That light lets me see where to take my next step but doesn't give me the full view of the path stretching in front of me. I know I can trust you to take me into the future one step at a time. Please give me the strength, wisdom, and direction enough for today, Lord, and I'll leave the future up to you.

God Bless

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