Friday, June 17, 2011

If You Had Only One Day To Live

What If You Will Die Tomorrow?

"Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." (Proverbs 27:1)

And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come,
he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through
(Luke 12:39)

What would you do today, if you knew you would die tomorrow?

Think about that!
What would you do if you had only one day to live!

What would you do with that one day?
Maybe you would spend it doing something you had always wanted to do,
but had never gotten the chance.
Maybe you would choose to spend it with family and friends.
Maybe you would want to spend that one day fulfilling some fantasy,
or perhaps it would be spent as had every other day of your life had been spent.

If you had only one day to live, how would you spend it?

Moses said that we should number our days, count them one by one, in order to be wise.
(Psalm 90:12)

When you are down to only one day left to live, there will not be time to then live the way
you should have.
Jonathan Edwards made a resolution at the age of 18-20 to live each day as if it were the last.

What would you do differently today, if you knew that you will die tomorrow?
Would you start searching God's Word for the assurance that you need?
Would you start praying to God with fervent weeping?

Would you make peace and express deep affection for your spouse, and family and friends?
Would you hit the "off" button on the radio or television, and turn to God for His help?.
Would you try to get serious about loving the Lord?
Would you express your love to God, and ask for His mercy and forgiveness?

Or, would you still foolishly procrastinate like Governor Felix under Paul's preaching.
(Acts 24:25)
I don't think that you would say one negative thing about others today.
I don't believe that all the trivial things that bother you now would bother you,
if today were your last day on this earth.

I believe that you would hold your loved ones close, and thank them for the good things
that they have done for you.
I believe that you would have a serious talk to your children about greater things
than their homework or cleaning their room.

I believe that you would honor and obey your parents with great love, if you were to die tomorrow.
I believe that your priorities would change in your use of your limited time,
and that you would value every minute that you had left.
I believe that you would be absolutely content with the things you already have, if you were dying.

I also believe that your mind will not be focused on idle thoughts in your last hours..
All of the politics, business, and all worldly matters would fade from your mind
in the face of your last day of life on this earth.

We can be certain that one day soon, maybe even today or tomorrow you will die.
There is only one way to prepare for the day before the day you will die, live as if it were today!
You will die tomorrow!

Whether it is tomorrow or another tomorrow, you will die tomorrow!
When tomorrow arrives, it will be too late to make any corrections as to how you have lived
the thousands of days that God has given you. days!

What an opportunity you have today!
I am warning you to live today for death tomorrow, so you can make the needed preparation.

Paul faced death often (Acts 14:19; II Cor 4:11; 11:23), and this caused him to live
righteously and to die with assurance that he would be in heaven with Jesus.
(2 Cor 5:8-11; Phil 1:21-23; 2 Tim 1:12; 4:6-8).

In Psalm 84:10-12 David said:
"For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand.
I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory:
no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee."

In these verses David talks about his decision, and the reasons why he feels this way.
As we look at these 3 verses, think about the words, "If I Only Had One Day!"

David tells us that he had rather be the lowly door keeper in the House of God
than to enjoy the all the wealth and luxury of evil.
David was saying that if his life was about to end, he wanted to be found serving the Lord.

The greatest thing anyone can say is that he is being faithful to the task to which
God has called him.
If I had one day to live I would want to be found in my place of service doing
what the Lord has called me to do!
You will either be ready and become a Christian, or you will be lost.
The apostle Paul did not say he was almost ready.
He said, I am ready.
Are you ready?

There are many Christians who will tell you that they are not ready to die today,
but they are going to get ready.I seriously considered what would a Christian need to do to be ready to meet God.

Are all of your relationships in good order?
Does your husband, your children and your loved ones know that you really love them?
Just saying that they should know doesn't cut it.

Do you give them the understanding that they need?
Are you ready to help them when they need your help?
Are you kind and considerate when they need that from you?
Do they know how important they are to you?
Do you spend enough time with them?

When you die, will your family feel at peace with how they feel toward you,
or will you leave them wishing for something that you didn't give them?
When it is my time I want to be ready.
I want to go in peace.
I want to go satisfied that I did my best.
I want to know I accomplished the things that I knew were important, but more importantly
I want to know I accomplished the things God gave me to do.
When I get on the other side, it will be too late.

"One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you.
Just give me the strength
To do everyday what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today, show me the way
One day at a time. "
-- One Day At A Time, Sweet Jesus

By Marijohn Wilkins, and Kris Kristofferson

God Bless...
RJ Rachel

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