Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Today is such a special day. We have a whole day dedicated to honor our fathers. Whether you have one father or more there is such an awesomeness to this day. I have three fathers: My Earthly Father, My Heavenly Father and my deceased Stepfather.  As I reminisce about my childhood, I revisit fond memories that I had from little life lessons to just plain good times. My dad taught me how to take my first steps, ride a bicycle, fish, shoot a shotgun for target shooting and hunting, the difference between a flathead and phillip's head screwdriver, how to assist in working on stuff like waterwell pumps, lawn mowers, boat motors, etc. I guess you could say I was daddy's little helper and shadow. He took me to church and helped guide me in the right direction. What are some of the traits that stand out in my mind? Well, a big,big heart. He always was very friendly. Everyone knows him from towns near and far. He was always a helper. He would help anyone and give them the shirt off his back if he needed to and he is still that way to this day. My father was there to provide discipline but luckily I didn't require that very often. Guess I was exceptional in that area.

My Heavenly Father has also provided me with many tools and guided me with his loving hands. He is always loving, forgiving, gentle, looks for the best in me, guides in down the right paths and helps me realize when I have ventured down the wrong one. Even though I can't actually see him and hold him in my arms, I know he is always with me. He left me a written instruction book ,"The Bible", which he uses to guide me. I open the pages, pray for his guidance and he often leads me to the much needed words I need to hear. I look forward to the day when I can see his face and thank him in person for all he has done and showed me in this life.

My Stepfather, I should mention as well, I suppose. He has been gone one year today. To mention a few words on his behalf, he is most remembered by me for his gentlemanly demeaner. He was a true "Southern Gentleman" with all the manners. A member of the "Old School" where you opened doors for Ladies and spoke respectfully. He was an avid hunter of ducks, doves, pheasants,  and geese. Hunting season for somethings was 365 days a year. He loved to write hunting articles and did have several of them published in 'Outdoor Life Magazine'. My dad and stepfather were instrumental in me learning to shoot and hunt. I don't use these talents very often these days, but can rely on them if I decide to do so. Their views have tremendously influenced my outlook of nature and wildlife. For that I am grateful and have been able to pass that down to my children.

This day would not be complete without mentioning my husband. Although he is not my father, he is the father of my two beautiful children. I have known this man 25 years and been married to him for 23 1/2. We met in college. By our third date he was telling me that he was going to marry me one day. Needless-to-say, I thought he was crazy but here we are. I could tell back then by the way little children were drawn to him on mission trips and other places that he would be a good father one day. I am proud to say that I was right. He is a great dad to our children and I know he will be a wonderful grandpa one day.

Well to all the fathers I want to wish a very good day to you. You are what makes us all special and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

I thank my God every time I remember you,  in constantly praying
 with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you. Philippians 1:3-4

God Bless
RJ Rachel

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